PROJECT TACT 2012-2018
Project-TACT (Train A Child Today) was initiated by Oladapo Ajayi in September 2012. The idea was to identify and support students in need of basic support like school uniforms, school bags, school sandals, examination fees, textbooks stationaries and other related materials. The project strongly identifies poverty’s effect as an overall individual’s self-dignity attack. We are therefore highly motivated to protect vulnerable children from falling into the excruciating and delimiting effects of poverty. Because of this, the project initiators believe that the beneficiaries’ self-confidence will be improved by the project’s actions and benefits and the children will stay committed and motivated to excel in their educational journey in the long run. Primarily, the project was designed to focus on the most vulnerable demography in rural communities, most of whom are encountered at most public primary schools in rural and working-class communities of Nigeria. With six beneficiaries, the beneficiaries of Project TACT grew to nineteen by the end of 2018. At the end of its six years of existence, the next phase of the project- TACT was introduced as TACT.2.0.